Ran into a website where the owner declared that the lowest price he might accept for his domain (milk.com) was $1,000,000 US.
... But he'd prefer $10 mil, thanks.
So I plugged his domain name into a web-value site.
And SEOheap says his milk.com is worth $15,746
That sounds more reasonable....
(btw, YouTube.com's value: $57,701,815 !)
So of course I had to value this blog and my
NancTWoP.blogspot.com is worth: $2,528 !
Ha. Not bad for a hobby.
Until I plugged in the name of my pal G1's blog.
And now I feel cheap and shoddy...
because they said that her blog
Girl1nterrupted is worth $301,638 !
*Hey, G1, love your blog but I demand a recount! ;-)
All this seems a bit fishy to you?...
Go try yours: Get your site value
And report back here, if you dare. ;-)