Nothing to do until TLW's S6 spoilers arrive?
Find 'L' tidbits in these blogs to keep busy.
*no guarantees... but they are unique.

JoeC (music 'off', lower right)
1. thicker than a common nail* Better than your average horoscope, eh?
2. sharp, pointy tool
3. pointed piece - as a weapon
4. abrupt increase of unusual activity
5. the heel...
6. spiked, having projections
7. antler (a--hat?) of a young buck
8. a stalk
9. a pointed portion
10. a hard smash, hit close.
11. Slang. a hypodermic needle.
12. to injure another player
13. hit in air with a powerful motion
14. slam to the ground in the endzone
15. to render (a gun) useless
16. thwart: to spike someone's chances
17. to add alcoholic liquor
18. to add a chemical poison
19. journalism: kill a story, spindle it
20. A thorn or spine.
21. hair twisted in a stiff points
22. young mackerel, 6 inches or less
23. to add flavor or spice
24. to add excitement or vitality
25. to put an end to; 'spike a rumor'
26. to run hot
"Fat does not make you fat...”Needless to say, that last one made anyone who's watched her party hearty on her show go 'Whoa, Pot, meet Kettle?
“Sugar & calories make you fat. Period."
"No food w/ 8 grams of sugar or more."
No bananas: try apples, berries, citris
No commercial yogurt: use low sugar dairy
Do read food packages - 'Doh!'
Do eat: grilled chicken on a salad
Decrease alcohol by half...
'Finally, a contestant emerges as the villain!'
…so villainous that her villainy has the blogosphere harrumphing vigorously on behalf of… Dale? The guy who punches lockers, grabs his crotch while yelling at a woman, and calls waiters “a—hole”? O-kayyy.
Personally, I like Dale and Lisa, even though they’ve both had trouble keeping their cool, and I think they’ve both cooked some great food -- but until now, the commentoscenti have been uniformly harsh on both…'
''I'm trying to buckle down and write this screenplay that I've had in my head for the last five to six years. I want to travel and get together an itinerary, and push ideas for a TV show. Keep my face in the media.''
I think that Dale makes interesting and exciting food, but this next episode is Restaurant Wars and we've already seen that cooperation and controlling his response to team-related frustration are not necessarily his strong suits. - L.S., BuddyTv
Just read a review for the new Wii chef game:
''Order Up'' ...follows one eager chef on a journey to reach the top of the culinary food chain.'
Now imagining an animated TC finale...
starring a drunken Spike, Dale and Lisa!?
Q. So who could head home this week?...
For one, I am wondering about Lisa.
while she has done well in some (her cake last week the best thing about her team's efforts), her screen time has been rather low... other than her conflict with Dale Talde, she really hasn't gotten much exposure...
Despite that I've grown to appreciate Andrew,
...and his deep manic well of excellent sound bites, he, too, hasn't really gotten a ton of screen time... other than his previous weight issues and his funny remarks, Andrew,.. seems more comic sidekick vs protagonist
Spike seems to be getting so much screen time,
I can't imagine he's going home yet. Ditto for Dale.
Richard has seemed to regain his strong footing.
Stephanie continues to be the scrappy competitor...
Antonia... her edit makes me feel like she has the skills to stick around for a bit, barring any major misstep.
"rice in microwave for 90 secs, not something I agree with"
"$10 budget - I actually asked if we could shop at a bodega"
(versus Wholefoods - probably what got him axed)
{ever read the disclaimers etc. at show's end?}
"judges commented on lack of protein, but the truth is the rice (complements the) vegetable protein as it contains essential amino acids, and thereby creating a complete meal." {he's right}
"others relied heavily on the ingredients that were supplied in the kitchen and their dishes did not reflect a meal for $10."