Nothing to do until TLW's S6 spoilers arrive?
Find 'L' tidbits in these blogs to keep busy.
*no guarantees... but they are unique.

'Once I get myself out of (credit card) debt, I want to buy somewhere to live, you know, to put all of my new kitchen appliances!' (Now we know how she financed her month in SE Asia... Suppose her GE stuff is sitting in her living room?)
'They definitely chose to show off my more innocent side, so yeah, I was very happy with how I was portrayed. ' (now wondering if the reunion show will contain 'naughty Steph' bloopers)?
'I do. I talk to Antonia very often.
Lisa and I talk once a week.'
'She can be negative, yes, and they really zoomed in on that on the show. But she can also be a lot of fun too.' (How much fun Steph?... and will that be in the naughty bloopers too?...)
'I was a little surprised. It was so late and I was bummed to see Antonia go. Richard and I were both surprised she brought that up. It just felt inappropriate to high-five her at that moment. But I can see how she felt.' (No hi-5 bloopers then...)
*Must've been a riot for Steph - her sis & folks were there too, and she never told'm she'd won so they saw it 'live' that night.
I actually am. I’ve been doing some catering out of my house, and I use the containers all the time. I have a whole cabinet devoted to my GladWare. I’m hoping that I’ll get a free lifetime supply. They’re not cheap!
Too bad he wasn't Antonia's sous. He likes color and texture too much to have let her present those dour dishes. (And unlike Nikki, he might have noticed that the peas weren't cooking before it was too late.) *Antonia, why didn't you skip the cliche rice/beans and just use pig bits to make nifty pizzas like at the wedding?
* Regardless of how I feel, ratings appear to be up: 'Work Out', a reality series, 927,000 viewers Tues night, up 19% from the prior week' (link)
Still way less than 'Top Chef's 3 mill.
'Top Chef: Chicago' - leading the way as the second-most viewed cable program among adults 18 to 49.' (link, #1 was a crime drama)* This means Bravo's only food show beats the pants off of every show on 'Food Network'... 'Burn!'
'... up 20% this season, surging from 2.24 million to 2.69 million viewers.'