Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oogie Oogie Oo

a *click* to Mr. C's
... I'm so excited!

Got invited to a block blog party. Of course the note appeared when I was living it up at a fair in the next state over, so now I'm going to be way late to the party. Better hurry then, eh?

*pic leads to Mr. C's invite.

Oops, just re-reading his page, and I realize that in order to have the complete party experience I will have to put out. OMG - what have I gotten myself into? Wait, oh okay - he just wants each of us to offer up our own adjunct party plan, plus a few personal tidbits:
What books are on your favorite shelf?
What DVD's are on your favorite shelf?
What are your TWO favorite cookbooks,
...plus 3 recipes for your special guests.
And What will we be drinking.
Oh, I can do that.

First thing you'll see is my welcome mat that's been waiting for you on the front porch for a few months now...
yes, my real doormat
Now, as far as favorite shelves go... My favorite shelf of books? is always the one filled with the new ones I'm about to read. Nothing quite like the fun of opening an unfamiliar book. So here are the next ones on my stack: (*click* to enlarge any pic)the one on the top has already been 'read' a bit ;-)
Favorite shelf of dvds? Again, its always the ones I haven't seen yet that are the most attractive to me, so here's the stack next to the DVD player. (warning: some chosen by my housemate - guess which ones.) *click* to enlarge - No, I did not pick 'Mr. Bean...'
Two favorite cookbooks:
The ex-boyfriend one? - so much fun, plus food guys love and great notes.
I'll serve up a main course of:
enlarge, and read the story too
Then salad (top) and dessert.
Use young spinach, and don't forget part 2 on the right side.  *Be sure to leave room for the cheesecake pie too.
Now on to the drinks...
I seem to have a theme, dry wines, dry vermouth, dry gin - funny how it all seems so wet.*there's also leftover beer and mixers in the cooler from the weekend, but if you want soda its down in the laundry zone - so bring your flashlight.

Since all your vehicles will be clogging up my road, I think its only fair that I also invite the neighbors. I'll just go put my climbing boots on and knock on a few doors.
actually a pic from 'Trailer Park Barbie' - click to go there, but don't say I didn't warn you...
*knew Mr.C would appreciate this pic

Finally, (silly me I almost forgot!)

...in lieu of party games, every guest
must learn the required party dance:

*Lucky for most, its only 15 seconds long...

*no idea who they are, but they are enthusiastic, yes?

Having fun? Because if y'all want to stay longer I'll run and borrow some Caribbean-style tiki torches from the Lion-ess,... or maybe that jazzy "tudor revival" globe chandelier from Mr.C?

Nah, lets just wait for the moon to come out.


  1. Oh that mat outside is right up my alley! I immediately felt at home =P

    I can't tell how much is in there, but I will drink all the sambuca up asap!

    Nanc I thought you lived in a tv or something, glad to see you're human!

    Ps- ill be pimpin everyone out in a day or so.

  2. Haha!! Oh so cool! I'm so glad you did this Nanc :)

    Your choice of books is totally fascinating and very eclectic, which is exactly what I'd expect from your bookshelves. I'm intrigued by "What's your dangerous ideas" !!

    There are plenty of dvds there that I'd happily watch ... let me know what you thought of Hot Fuzz and Bruce Amighty.

    The food sounds yummy and I'm desperate to try wimpy Eddie Plinketts manly quiche!! lol

    I'm surprised Mr C didn't get excited about that trailer park pic!! Maybe that's where he lives so he's keeping low-key about it.

    Ok, I've learned the dance and there's plenty of booze ... let's party!!

  3. I followed Mr. C over here. Love the mat. One weekend, I came home to find a happy Halloween welcome mat in front of my apt door. It was strange and random, but whatevs. A free mat is a free mat.

    I'm definitely down to watch Hot Fuzz and drink. I'll make sure to learn the dance. Oh hell give me another shot of Bacardi and I'm good to go.
