The song was unique, so I looked for the band.
Too bad I mis-read their name as 'Draft Punk'.
Didn't re-find - Daft Punk - again for ages.
Not til I saw their distinctly different video,
note: The light show is on their helmets !
Like those people that mis-hear song lyrics, I just added an extra letter to the actual band name. But it made me feel better to find out (via Google) that I wasn't the only one - still over 20,000 hits if you search for 'Draft Punk' - ha!
But I just can't figure out why these two French guys would not only sing in English, but they also, after a bad review where an English critic called their music, "a bunch of daft punk", name their band that. In English.
Just a bit odd.
As odd as their whole LED-helmets thing.
*part of ThemeThursdays 'draft' challenge