Yes, 2010 will be my Anti-Year.
Why?... It all started when I read that
alcohol is aging and that
'mixed drinks provide little to no nutritional value'. (Shocking, right?... Apparently those little olives and lime wedges just don't cut it.) Anyway, I thereafter resolved to add more
antioxidants to my daily fare in 2010, just to balance those weekends out.
Luckily, I already like most of the top ones:
Red Wine
Dark Chocolate
Green Tea
Unsalted Nuts
Berries But the USDA declared that the # 1 antioxidant food is:
Small Red Beans
'Small red beans' ?!?... Huh.Plus the USDA also says:
'Antioxidants work better in combination'To that end I declare that my recipes in 2010 will contain as many antioxidants as I can fit in. And for my first attempt, and to ring in the new year, I decided to find a recipe that includes -all- of them.
Here goes... I give you:
recipe link: Chocolate Carrot Cake
Basically, to your fave devil’s food cake add:
1 cup shredded carrots
1 cup chopped walnuts
some cream cheese frosting
plus berries on top, for garnish
Remember to sub a bit of applesauce & green tea into the mix - to take the place of any oil, or plain water.
Now serve with a glass of red wine and
'Voila', we're in the top antioxidant zone*! *provided we choke down a bowl o' beans first.
Lets toot in a Happy New Year !
sung to the chorus of 'Auld Lang Syne'*)
For antioxidants, my dear,
for an-ti-oxi-dants...
We'll take a cup of green tea yet,
for An-ti-Oxi-Dants!