Home tonight? Watch CNN to see KG turn up the AC at midnight.
Maybe we'll all get lucky and they'll recreate this 'A-list' scene...
Still bored? Comments on KG via: GayTVblog
* TomC used to work at Burger King! *Well, that certainly explains Kathie Lee's dramatic over-reaction to the food, doesn't it? - Note to self: Kathie Lee can hold a grudge but she can't hold her cookies...
The downfall of Top Chef contestants is often that they lack good technique. "They have a lot of great ideas but they don't have the technique to pull it off." (raw scallop, anyone?)
Tom Coliccio once called his first TV appearance, on Regis and Kathie Lee, ''the worst experience of his life''.
In the lawsuit, the waitress, Nessa Rapone, who used to work at the bustling Craftbar restaurant at 900 Broadway, between 19th and 20th Streets, asserted that Mr. Colicchio’s company, Craft Worldwide Holdings, improperly shared employee tips with supervisors, did not keep proper time records and fired her when she protested.Reading further you find out she worked at Craft for only two months in 2007. And btw, the lawyers are 'seeking class-action status for the lawsuit'. Hmm, sounds just like some other suits targeting high-profile NYC restaurants. (Turning it into a class-action suit significantly increases the payday for the lawyers, as does the lawyers habit of often asking for 6 years back pay.)
... try the nautically-theme "The Captains' Inn Bed & Breakfast" in Mount Dora, FL. You’ll wake up to a world-class breakfast from Captain/Chef Tamara Spieler, the chef who cooked for Johnny Depp during the six weeks he was aboard ship while filming the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean... ('top' referenced the movie)Ah well, it was a fun thought while it lasted.
Breakfast?... must include tablets of 1000-mg Vitamin CAnd in case 10 hours of catering still leaves them hungry,
Lunch?... must include multiple cases of RedBull
Dinner?... 'big ass kielbasas' ('make men self-conscious')
Cases of Coke, Vitamin Water, RedBull, Gatorade, Fiji water, juices including Pom juice, protein drinks. Tomatoes, Avocadoes and brand name cheeses. Fresh brand name coffee and tea service. Natural peanut butter. Giant fruit basket. A bag of 'Pirate Booty'(?). Plus Zone Energy bars and various milks, soymilk and breads.And then move on to the 'Auxilliary Room':
11 cases of various (brand name) beersFinally, how about some extra-extras?:
6 bottles of various (brand name) wines
3 bottles of (brand name) hard liquors
drink mixers
Doritos and beef jerky ('no Slim Jims')
chewing gum
vanilla, musk, or cinnamon scented candles (!?)
two large oscillating fans (!?)
ashtrays and lighters for four.
DVDs ('no Jamie Kennedy, Martin Lawrence, or sports')All this, even if they're only in town for one day. 'Sheesh'
Magazines ('no Spin, Rolling Stone, or People')
t-shirts ('chest pocket preferred')
socks, black and white, 100% cotton
Aleve or Advil
roll-on deodorant
'Airborne' effervescent tablets
Purell hand cleaner
75 lbs of clean ice
But now, after seeing the latest S6 spoilers, I'm certain I know exactly what IC is actually whispering to them:'You thought S3 was crazy?... you ain't seen nuthin!'