Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bottle Shock

Watched the DVD just tonight. I don't normally pimp movies on my blog, but this one was based on the true story of some quiet California wines that went to Paris (in 1976) to enter a wine-tasting competition... and the rest is wine history.

wikipedia link on: Bottle Shock
Various opinions:
'My Shock at the film...
blog review of Bottle Shock
DVD review of 'Bottle Shock'

{2 min}
Definitely worth a look if you drink wine.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Not So Easy

Tonight's the TC finale in the Big Easy! I'll be crossing my fingers for Carla, since I'm tired of Stefan & Hosea, the bald, quirky tools. And the preview showed this (see below) as the proteins for what must be the quickfire... (turns out they were for a surprise 4th course) Will any of these three have an advantage with this? (gator, anyone?)

Then its off to this place, er 'palace':
Not very royal looking; hadn't realized it was a such a dining icon. Was in New Orleans ages ago and never noticed it. But I will be paying attention tonight, honest! (their usual, non-TC menu)

eta: ... I'm sad

Oh Carla, why a sous-vide for the first time in the finale!?!

Q.) Think she might've won with Rich or Marcel as sous chef?

eta2: Answer: ,..'Nope' (thanks minx!)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Are You Lit?

Go to Wash D.C. (before 12/1/09) and you could be.
'Multiverse' was installed by artist Leo Villareal in a 200-ft-long tunnel between the East and West buildings at the Nat'l Gallery of Art. Over 40,000 LEDs randomly animate and move so no two visitors see the same display. *On display thru Nov.

*Click video {1 min} above, its very cool.

original link: "Multiverse" (via vimeo) ..

Dining Dish

Dishing out a scoop...
the name of the surprise judge in TC's finale!
Too bad its not my scoop really, because the author of DD got this note in her email box and was kind enough to post it on her blog:

We strongly recommend that you tune in to Bravo on Ash Wednesday, Feb 25, for the Top Chef 5 Finale. Rumor has it that you might see a very familiar face on the judging panel.

Happy Mardi Gras...
And it came from Bayona, so it sounds like the head chef there, Susan Spicer, will be the judge.

original link: Dining Dish

Sunday, February 22, 2009


So, Season 6 = WWJD = 'Who Wants Jenny Dead'.

And now that the final 2 eps are upon us, the brains at Sho finally decide to give us a full-length ep... opposite the Oscars!?
Ooo, smart move there.
'Showtime', think its time to buy a clue?

Speaking of buying things, 606 was an expensive episode for props.

The Orbitbaby buggy that T&B gave Max? $900 US.

*We all know they'll get it back.
And it won't be empty.

Meanwhile that bottle of champagne that Kelly popped?
She must really have the hots for B, since that stuff starts at $150 US, but if you order the individualized vintage? Then Perrier-Jouet can cost $6,000 per bottle.

And speaking of clues:

i killed jenny`
<-- This promo is Showtime's great marketing campaign for S6. Asking bloggers to put this logo on their site to promote TLW. Again, Sho execs, are you really shocked that HBO rules?

Friday, February 20, 2009

My Band's Album

The latest sounds of betrayal,
Bella Traición does it for you!

Woo, did I luck out with my band's name!

Bella Traición
(translation: "Beautiful Betrayal")
(bonus: its a single from Belinda's album "Utopía")

Sadly, it was all downhill from there...

Album name: 'You Get 'em Laminated' (!?)

Alas, my CD will never sell since my cover
'art' is a van parked at a strip mall. (?!)
(Seriously K., you'll starve as a photographer.)

Rock'n'Roll will never die, but this album? Yes.
But if you'd like to make your own, see below:

The Claw: create a band and an album

Thursday, February 19, 2009

KG is a Sell Out

KG by artist Rob Kelly, for Time Out, NY
KG, by artist Rob Kelly, TimeOut NY She sold out 4 nights at Madison Sq. Garden! - so here are some KG tidbits via Rachael Ray (?!) and Time Out NY.

Rachael Ray & KG played 'Would You Rather'... and:
KG would dine with Lindsey Lohan's vs The Osmonds.
KG would pick Simon (from Am. Idol) vs Ryan or Randy.
KG would pick trapped w Clay Aiken vs Hear Paris H. Sing.
KG would hang out w/Olsen Twins vs 'The Hills' crew.
Well, can't say I disagree with any of her choices.
Tho never actually seen Am.Idol so just a guess there.

The link: KG on Rachael Ray (4 min video)

p.s. Why does everyone think I'm lying whenever I say I've never seen an American Idol show?... Why fib about that? - I haven't, honest!


best bits from TO NY interview
Q.: Are you googling yourself while talking to me?
KG: No, But I do google my name every day, first thing.

Q.: Some people wake up to coffee…
KG: Any celebrity who says they don’t is lying.

Q.: (re Emmys) If there were a fire, that’s what you’d grab?
KG: Yes - my two Emmys and the picture of me on Oprah - it looks like she’s laughing hilariously at something I said.

Q.: And that’s it?
KG: Well, my dogs, of course. And then the two Emmys. And the picture of me on Oprah. My mom’s on her own. She can get herself out. She’d grab her box of wine, which is flammable, so then she’ll just roll down the driveway in flames.
I must be cruel... I lol'd at that mom comment.

* The link: KG in 'Time Out, NY' (full article)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Now Hair This!

Tidbits about Carla from a recent interview:
Q&A Top Chef's Carla Hall... Finding Her Sea Legs
(legs? she must use crabs vs. scallops...)

Viewers will see her tonight with a sleek new hairdo
as the cooking competition moves to New Orleans.
(Previews show Carla's hair is straight now.)

Q. Will we be seeing any photos of you from your modeling days?

Carla: Yeah, you might. (can't wait!)

Q. How hard has it been to read stuff... that wasn't so complimentary?

Carla: My husband would get upset when he read blogs, (uh oh) but I still don't read them. (whew!)

I wouldn't necessarily disagree with some of them. I knew I could cook better. I just needed to find my sea legs. It's like being on "Jeopardy!" and suddenly all the categories are the ones you know.
The Washington Post link - can be slow loading.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


sorry, lousy screencap... :-/ ...But you get the idea
EB puts her best snoot forward...

Loved the group scenes in the 605 ep, but I found the Elizabeth Berkley moments quite distracting - she had a snout-like look about her, somehow, whilst her character 'Kelly' twas giddy from having a snootful I suppose.

Thus I was inspired to enter 'snoot Elizabeth Berkley' into Google to see what I got and 'voila', first up was this link to a slightly gay website with a video of an errant manatee!?

Eureka, oddity solved; EB must be channeling crazyJenny!
The Manatee link.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Skank, its what's for dinner...
Leah reveals all, incl her bf's reaction to Hosea:
Q: how do you feel about being eliminated for your dish?

Leah Cohen: I don't think I deserved to go home.
They said my poached egg was undercooked, which I disagree with. It's a very specific time and temp — 62' for 45 minutes — and it comes out perfect all the time... (except not)

Q: You seemed to give up during the fillet challenge. Why?

Leah: I actually just didn't want to do it any more.
I was just over it, the competition and the show...
(what a coincidence! We were over you, too!)

Q: Did you know the cameras caught you & Hosea kissing?

I didn't. They usually leave when everyone is going to sleep.
(Hint: don't give up your day job to become a spy, Leah.)

Q: How did your boyfriend take the news?

Leah: I went home and told him right away. He was fine, and then he saw the actual footage and wasn't fine with it. I guess the way I said it was like, "Oh, I kind of kissed a guy on TV."

Then he saw it and was like, "No, you were flirting with this guy, and then on top of that, you made out with him." Needless to say, he was not cool about it, and we are not together anymore. (quelle surprise...)

Q: Any chance you and Hosea will hang out?

Leah: It's totally a friend thing, but we're going to
film the reunion soon, and we'll get to hang out.
By that you mean 'Friends with benefits'?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Pretty Ugly

Boring ep. last night = shallow review to-day!

Bette pic credit to reise at automatic straddle!
puppy's hair! puppies!

Not that she isn't pretty, but sorry, Bette's hair done like that always reminds me of *this* ===>

Can't believe out of all the outfits they use on TLW, CynthiaS the costumer, 'lost' so many nice ones, yet managed to save B&T's ugliest nightwear for ep 604? Sheesh.
- - -

Cybill Shepherd is doing a guest appearance on "Criminal Minds" (Wed, ~8 pm, CBS), in which she drives the usually stoic investigators nuts with her constant reminders that she once dated Elvis Presley... never watch that show but it might be fun.
Link: Google

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Coney Betty

Ugly Betty goes on an 'Island' holiday... soon?

Last August KineticCarnival saw UB filming at Coney Island.

Did they air any scenes from that one yet?...
I'm tired of winter - and I'd like to see some summer now.
(Was that me wishing for a bit of global warming?...)

Ugly Betty filming in NY (or click image below)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chef(s) To Go

'Chef to Go' by Jennifer Garant, available at posterspoint
'Chef to Go' by Jennifer Garant

GO CHEF GO!... Top Chef is casting Season 6! :

'Bravo’s Emmy-winning series... “Top Chef”, will be returning for a 6th season. Open calls for chefs interested in competing in the high-stakes culinary competition series will be held in cities across the country...':

SAN FRANCISCO - Sun, Feb 8, Ducca Restaurant

SEATTLE - Wed, Feb 11, Canlis Restaurant

ATLANTA - Sun, Feb 22, CRAFT Restaurant

NEW YORK - Sun, March 1, 10AM - 2PM CraftSteak


LOS ANGELES - Sun, March 15, CRAFT Restaurant

CHICAGO casting - email

(note: All are from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., local time)
Full article at NBC, Bay Area

The casting call comes out of NBC San Francisco. Hm.
Does that mean that Season 6 will be Season SanFran?

eta: Hosea's apology for the kiss (!)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


'Flipping Out', for Ca$h
Only 25 days left to convince Bravo that you deserve the dough:
'Tell us about your home organizational skills by submitting original text, photos, videos…or all three. If your tips outshine all the others, we’ll give you $10K.'
* summary of the Rules (its a huge page) :
Typed, in English, max 2500 char, & 10 pics, or a video.

Doesn't sound too bad. Just cough up about 300 words fibbing about how organized your shack is, and then use part of the $$ you win to hire a pro to get your home in shape before the cameras arrive. ;-)

P.S. Sponsored by 'Flipping Out' & Ziploc {hint, hint...}


pic credit, Wikipedia
'Ad-supported cable’s #1 program on Tuesdays, 10 pm.'

This is what we're watching tonight, since TNT has renewed its 'heist dramedy' for a 2nd season.
Premise: an honest man uses a gang of cons to right wrongs. I prefer the British series 'Hustle' (where they're all cons) but that's not on right now, so this romp'll do for now.

One con looked familiar, and I realized that Gina Bellman played quirky 'Jane' on the BBC version (the good one) of 'Coupling'.GINA is on top, left - {pic credit, IMDb}That's one of the problems of 'fiction' tv for me. It always takes me awhile to re-adjust my thinking when an actor goes from playing a comic role to a straight bit. *I still can't watch 'House' - he played too many goofs on the BBC. (Think that's why he came to the U.S.? To be able to play grown-ups?)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Scribblers R Us
* I Got An Award! *

Always nice to hear that somebody enjoys a 'byte' of my blog. I suppose that's what the Scholastic Scribblers had in mind when they started up their award program. So to pass along the love, I'm also nominating these bloggers (in accord with the SS rules) to add to their award list, because I like to read their stuff too. :-D

So check out Kathy's 'MinxEats', for great recaps,
and John's 'BaltimoreSnacker for live-blogging TC,
and Maggie's 'DogHillKitchen' for thoughful cookery,
and Susan's 'StickyGooeyCreamyChewy' for detailed delights,
plus Kat & sj's, the 'Funny Gals' , well, because they're fun.

Lastly, I've got to remember to say:
Dear Sherri, of 'The Claw', Thanks for the nomination!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

KG on Conan

pic credit to
Oops, I mean she's on Conan O'Brien Monday night.

And according to PlainDealer, Lily Tomlin will be on KG:
Tomlin, who is 69 ("Shocking! can't even compute it"), continues to act. She had a prominent role on "The West Wing" and plays a recurring role on "Desperate Housewives." She's even going to show up on comedian Kathy Griffin's "My Life on the D-List" on Bravo.

"I was (working) near Vancouver on a Friday, and Kathy Griffin was on Saturday, and I wound up doing her TV show, which I'm sure I'll live to regret," said Tomlin. "She's pretty funny and sweet onstage, but she's a handful."

KG's future guest Lily Tomlin talks Vibrators...

{2 min}